Bill faced a new diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes head on and was able to improve his A1C from 10.8 to 5.9 with hard work and the help of his health care team and the BEATDiabetes program. We were inspired by his success and caught up with him to ask him a few questions about how he improved his diabetes control, what advice he has for others in the same situation, and what he plans to do with that $1000.
How long have you had Type 2 diabetes? I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes during a hospital stay that I had for Covid 19 in October of 2021. I had no idea I had diabetes, but am very thankful for my team of doctors finding it.
What has been the biggest challenge for you in dealing with diabetes? The biggest challenge for me in dealing with diabetes is giving up some of the food that I used to eat, but I honestly have to say that becoming healthy is much more rewarding to me then eating unhealthy food.
What changes have you made that have helped improve your blood sugar?The biggest changes I have made since being diagnosed with diabetes is changing my diet and walking a lot. I try to walk 5-7 miles a day and I check my sugar three times a day.
Why did you decide to sign-up for BEATDiabetes? I decided to sign up for Beat Diabetes because I wanted all the help I could get to BEAT DIABETES!
How has the BEATDiabetes program helped you manage your diabetes? The Beat Diabetes program has helped me make healthier choices by making me aware of things I didn’t know about diabetes, how important controlling your sugar levels are and how much healthier you are when they are under control. The daily posts are also very motivational!
What motivates you to make healthy choices? What motivates me to make healthier choices? Well, life is so precious. Every day is a true gift to be with the people you love, and every day is an opportunity for us to become the best version of ourselves possible. When I was diagnosed with Covid and Diabetes I was very scared of what could happen. My sugar will never be out of control again. I’m so much more aware of my body now!!!
What advice do you have for others trying to improve their diabetes control? The advice I would give to others to control their diabetes would be to realize how dangerous this disease can be and how it can really cost you your health. I would suggest waking up with a plan daily of loving life, getting some fitness routine in your life, getting a diabetes cookbook, and starting to realize how easy it is to change the unhealthy foods into healthy foods that taste great!
What do you plan to do with the $1000? We’ll give back to my family and some others who have been very inspirational on my journey since my diagnosis! Thank you so much for the BEATDIABETES program!
Congratulations to Bill for taking control of his diabetes and improving his health!
Work hard to improve your diabetes control, and the next $1000 Drawing Winner could be YOU!